Childhood Trauma

Childhood trauma is a psychological response to adversity or a highly stressful event experienced in a person’s childhood that has health effects that extend into adulthood. Childhood trauma can manifest itself within adulthood in a plethora of ways.

Childhood trauma causes various emotional, behavioral and physical symptoms that may manifest differently depending on the person. Not everyone who experiences or witnesses a highly stressful event in their childhood will develop psychological trauma. Some stress is healthy and can be useful and protective, but toxic stress goes beyond and is characterized by its intensity and duration.

Examples of Traumatic Events Experienced in Childhood

These events may be isolated or ongoing. A child can also develop trauma upon witnessing a traumatic event happen to someone else. As previously mentioned, not everyone develops a trauma response to these types of events.

Symptoms of Childhood Trauma

Childhood adversity can have a long-lasting negative impact on a person’s quality of life, especially when it comes to a person’s mental health. Children who are exposed to trauma may also develop a heightened stress response that can hinder a person’s ability to regulate their emotions, cause sleep difficulties, lower immune function, and can inhibit a variety of physical illnesses into adulthood. Some examples of the negative symptoms that stem from childhood trauma include the following:

Emotional Symptoms:

Physical Symptoms:

Behavioral Symptoms:

Childhood Trauma Therapy and Treatment

The damage from childhood trauma can have lasting effects on a person if gone untreated. Childhood trauma therapy aims to change those thoughts and behaviors engrained in us during childhood and relieves the troubling thoughts to enable a person to see the strengths they have gained from their childhood and restore peace and calm. Anyone who experienced childhood trauma can benefit from therapy.

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