Culturally Sensitive Therapy Cultural awareness is a core factor in connecting and empathizing with others. While all people have the same basic and fundamental needs regardless of their ethnic, religious, or cultural background, ignoring the impact that culture has on each and every one of us is irresponsible. We can’t…
How to Improve Self-consciousness Self-consciousness is one of the most uncomfortable and distressing emotions. You feel hyper-aware of yourself and your actions, and you feel like everyone is watching you closely. Your face starts to get warm, and you fidget with your sleeves or shuffle your feet to try to…
5 Tips for Building Self-trust We often think about trust in regards to our interpersonal relationships, but what about trust in ourselves? You are your own closest companion, and if you don’t trust yourself, you might experience deep fear or anxiety about your choices. Self-trust is often overlooked as a…
Identity Exploration in Therapy Truly understanding and embracing who you are is no small feat. You are shaped by your culture, your upbringing, your environment, your beliefs, and so many other factors. The result is an immensely complex person who cannot be summarized in one idea or one statement. Knowing…
5 Helpful Tips for Dating Someone With Abandonment Issues Our past experiences can have a profound impact on our current emotional and psychological state. If you’ve ever suffered from rejection or abandonment, you may notice that you feel anxious or fearful of finding yourself in the same situation again. Once…
With the Support of a Trauma Therapist, You Can Recover From Emotional Trauma Our brains have an incredibly ability to store emotional memories. In many ways, our keen memory is beneficial. We use our past experiences to learn how to stay safe and happy in the present, and our positive…
Actors Benefit from Therapy to Better Understand Themselves and Their Roles Being an actor is one of the most powerful, rewarding, and challenging professions. Very few fields offer such a great chance to explore what it means to be human, but on the other hand, few fields require so much…
Life Coaching Can Help Entrepreneurs Achieve Unprecedented Success Entrepreneurship is a rewarding but difficult path. As an entrepreneur, you’re completely in charge of your own business decisions, and you have to be willing to take risks. You may not know if you’re making the right choices, but entrepreneurs need to…
6 Ways to Deal with Depression Without Medication Living with depression can be incredibly challenging. Although it’s one of the most common mental health conditions, depression can make you feel painfully lonely or isolated. You may struggle to stay in contact with family and friends, or you may find it…
The Importance of Self-Love Most of us have love in our hearts for family, friends, or romantic partners, but it can feel much more difficult to extend this love to ourselves. Maybe it’s because we tend to be more aware of our own flaws than others, or maybe it’s because…