7 Tips on How to Prepare for Couples Counseling Whether you’ve been with your partner for a year or a decade, issues can arise in your relationship. How you handle these problems is the true sign of your strength as a couple. If you and your partner are struggling to…
8 Examples of Stonewalling in a Relationship Conflict will arise in any relationship, but what defines your and your partner’s strength as a couple is how you manage it. Couples who approach the problem as a team while listening and empathizing with one another will grow closer together. Partners who…
7 Benefits of Couples Therapy Many people believe that couples therapy is a last resort for relationships that are falling apart, but the benefits of couples therapy can be valuable for anyone. You might not think to attend couples therapy until you and your partner run into a major conflict,…
How to Overcome Codependency and Live a Happy Life Codependency is one of the most toxic and insidious traits that can affect a relationship. Our early experiences shape our behaviors, values, and beliefs later in life, so if your relationship with your parents or caretakers was strained in your younger…
6 Ways to Deal with Gaslighting Gaslighting is a damaging form of mental and emotional abuse that is usually most acutely experienced in a close or intimate relationship. For example, in a marriage or other domestic partnership. Gaslighting is an intentional attempt to manipulate someone into doubting their own feelings…
8 Trust-building Exercises for Couples It’s impossible to have a lasting or healthy relationship without trust. It’s not even exaggerating to say that trust is the number one concern for most couples in a relationship, whether they know it or not. Without trust, everything else suffers, whether it’s intimacy, communication…