How to Overcome Panic-Induced Avoidance Behaviors Sometimes, you simply might not be in the mood to see your friends, run errands, or talk about a particular topic with your coworkers. Avoiding specific situations from time to time is completely normal behavior and can be a sign that you’re in-tune with…
How to Overcome Codependency and Live a Happy Life Codependency is one of the most toxic and insidious traits that can affect a relationship. Our early experiences shape our behaviors, values, and beliefs later in life, so if your relationship with your parents or caretakers was strained in your younger…
With the Support of a Trauma Therapist, You Can Recover From Emotional Trauma Our brains have an incredibly ability to store emotional memories. In many ways, our keen memory is beneficial. We use our past experiences to learn how to stay safe and happy in the present, and our positive…
8 Signs You Grew up in a Toxic Family As an adult, you might not remember too much about your upbringing as it’s all in the past now. But your family environment growing up can influence you in ways you don’t even realize. With the exception of clearly abusive situations,…
Kids are definitely resilient, and some memories certainly sink into the depths of our minds after time. However, sometimes childhood trauma can have lingering and long term effects.